Connect with us!
The Oak School is using Membership Toolkit for the online directory.
When registering your account, you must use the email address provided when registering your student for the current school year. The Membership Toolkit is restricted to registered families. The online directory can be securely accessed right from your smartphone or computer.
Our goal for this site is to offer a hub for our community.
Be sure to register by clicking the "Register/Login" link below
and then download the Membership Toolkit mobile app.
You will be prompted to login. If you already have a Membership Toolkit account login
with another organization, you can use the same log-in here.
Once you're signed up via the website, access the AtoZ Connect Directory
by downloading the new Membership Toolkit Mobile App!
Hinsdale Public Library Homework Help: After School
9/16/2024 9:15 am
The Hinsdale Public Library offers homework help to students in grades K - 8 every Tuesday and Thursday, 4-5 p.m.
Hootiegram Submissions
9/16/2024 6:34 am
School Year 2024-2025
8/16/2024 11:09 pm
Mark your calendars!
Week of August 26th: MAP testing (grade level testing schedule coming soon)
August 26: First day of Rising Stars
August 29: Bike Rodeo for 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders
September 2: Labor Day - No School
September 4: Preschool & Oak K-5 Curriculum Night (more detailed information coming soon)
September 6: Lunch-In Program Begins
September 11: Picture Day
September 13: New Family Mixer @ Neat Kitchen (invites to be sent to new families)
September 20: First PTO General Meeting at 2pm in the Library
September 23rd-25th: Fall Book Fair
and lots more to come...
Welcome to School Year 2024!!
8/16/2024 8:50 pm
Please join us!
8/9/2024 8:11 am
Committees Need YOU!
8/9/2024 8:08 am
To best enjoy the outcomes, be part of the process. Be a part of our school community.
Join Us.
Help us.
Everyone is welcomed.
Committee Chair and volunteer positions are still available.
Link to Committee Descriptions
Kindergarten Meet and Greet!
8/9/2024 1:26 am
The Welcome & Social Committee

See you in the Fall!
6/3/2024 11:53 pm
Hope you have a FUN and SAFE summer...
6/3/2024 11:46 pm
Calling all 3rd-5th grade Oak girls! Hinsdale Central Girls Basketball Summer Camp
5/27/2024 2:30 pm

Sign up today for Hinsdale Central Girls Basketball Summer Clinic
When: June 3-7th from 2p-4p
Upcoming Events!
- Friday, March 21
- Friday, April 18
- Wednesday, April 23
- Friday, May 16
- Wednesday, May 21
Covid-19 Safety Procedures
Report an absence and stay up to date on latest COVID-19 safety procedures by visiting the the D181 homepage.